Publications: Dialogue briefs

The Call for Merger of the National Dialogue and HLRF Processes
Author: Abraham Awolich
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 27/02/2018
Numerous attempts to end the conflict in South Sudan have been made but very few meaningful results have been realized. To achieve a comprehensive peace in the country, this Dialogue Brief makes a case for the merger of the National Dialogue process and the on-going High-level Revitalization Forum (HLRF).
Negotiations in a Cultural Context
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 18/09/2017
This article was initially prepared for a seminar on Negotiations at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of John's Hopkins University in Washington, DC., which was conducted by Professor I. William Zartman. The principles, as referred to then, were subsequently presented at the peace negotiations in Naivasha, Kenya, that...

Negotiations in a Cultural Context
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 14/09/2017
This article was initially prepared for a seminar on Negotiations at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of John's Hopkins University in Washington, DC., which was conducted by Professor I. William Zartman. The principles, as referred to then, were subsequently presented at the peace negotiations in Naivasha, Kenya, that...

National Dialoque: A Critical Perspective
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 15/08/2017
Is the National Dialogue in South Sudan turning out to be a nice surprise to those who wanted it but feared that it would not succeed or a disappointment to those who opposed it or predicted its failure?

South Sudan: A Framework for International Cooperation
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 14/07/2017
It is now widely recognized that there is an increasing call for regional and international action to end the current crisis in South Sudan. This is a crisis that has inflicted and continues to inflict on the people untold suffering, death, and destruction.

Abyei Dialogue: Bottom Up and Top Down
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 14/07/2017
This report on the case of the Ngok Dinka of Abyei provides a model for the National Dialogue that substantiates the Bottom-Up-Top-Down approach, which the President has stipulated in his various statements, and in his Concept Note.

The National Dialogue Strategy
Author: Francis Mading Deng
Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 05/07/2017
This concept paper outlines some of the principal elements involved in promoting peace, unity, reconciliation and a shared sense of national identity, the overriding goals of the National Dialogue. The National Dialogue is an opportunity to address the complex web of conflicts afflicting South Sudan through a top-down-bottom-up process that...

South Sudan National Dialoque: What it should be and why it should be supported
Author: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 03/04/2017
President Salva Kiir Mayardit announced in December 2016 a national dialogue program that supposedly enables the citizens to collectively debate the future of their distraught country. The debate includes how to resolve the conflict, respond to a growing humanitarian crisis, and address the enduring ills of governance in the country.

Insecurity and Ethnic Violence in South Sudan: Existential Threats to State?
Author: Jok Madut Jok
Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Dialogue briefs
Date: 20/08/2012
Since South Sudan gained independence a year ago, things have moved very fast, mainly with negative developments overshadowing any positive gains of independence. A few household and community-level assessments and individual opinion polls on political, economic, and social situations have all indicated that the euphoria about the sense of freedom...