Juba’s Insecurity: A Challenge to State Authority and Credibility

Organization: The Sudd Institute
Type: Weekly Reviews
Date: 13/12/2012
Publication Summary
Last week, the nation was rocked by the news of the cowardice and senseless murdering of a prominent South Sudanese political commentator and opinion writer, Isaiah Diing Abraham Chan Awuol, better known to his readership audience by his pen name as Isaiah Abraham, on Wednesday, 5 November 2012 at his residence in the South Sudanese capital, Juba. Coming in the wake of this tragic news, this week’s review of the Sudd Institute seeks to highlight the problem of insecurity in the town. The primary aim of the review is to help spark a national discourse on such an increasing security concern, which requires informed, sustained collaboration between the government and public at large. The review specifically and succinctly explores the contours and magnitude of this acute insecurity crisis in Juba. Further, it suggests specific measures to be taken in order to arrest this life-taking or rather unwelcome monster.