Nyathon Hoth Mai

Program Officer
Email: nyathon@gmail.com
Education School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, MSc, Global Energy and Climate Policy Federation University, Australia, BSc, Geology
Biography Nyathon Hoth Mai is Environment and Natural Resources Program Officer at the Sudd Institute. Before joining the Institute full time, Nyathon worked as Research Associate between Oct 2015 and Jan 2019. She has a BSc in Geology from the Federation University, Australia, and an MSc in Global Energy and Climate Policy from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. She is also an independent Researcher and policy analyst. Her research interest areas include Geology, climate change and energy policy, and issues affecting South Sudanese women. In addition, Nyathon was the Co-founder and Managing Director of My Referendum for Freedom (MRF) that actively engaged the South Sudanese youth from all over South Sudan and diaspora as a vehicle for civic education to the rest of the populace during the South Sudan Referendum. She also devoted much of her time to South Sudan community development in Australia.
Experience The Sudd Institute , Program Officer (2019 - ) The Sudd Institute, Research Associate (20125 - 2019)