
The Sudd Institute

The 2012 U.S. Presidential Election: What the Outcome Means for South Sudan

Authors: Jok Madut Jok, Augustino Ting Mayai

Organization: The Sudd Institute

Type: Weekly Reviews

Date: 13/11/2012


The recent re-election of Barack Obama for a second term as president was received in South Sudan with jubilation. Renewed hopes have been placed on the US as one of the strongest partners in development and governance in this young country. What does President Obama’s reelection mean for U.S.

The Sudd Institute

President al-Bashir’s Planned Visit to Juba

Author: Jok Madut Jok

Organization: The Sudd Institute

Type: Weekly Reviews

Date: 08/11/2012


This past week has seen a flurry of news in the local media, online discussions, and in many conversations among South Sudanese, all focusing on a select number of issues, including the continuing violence in Jonglei, the expulsion of United Nations human rights monitor from the country, and the increasing...

The Sudd Institute

Insecurity and Ethnic Violence in South Sudan: Existential Threats to State?

Author: Jok Madut Jok

Organization: The Sudd Institute

Type: Dialogue briefs

Date: 20/08/2012


Since South Sudan gained independence a year ago, things have moved very fast, mainly with negative developments overshadowing any positive gains of independence. A few household and community-level assessments and individual opinion polls on political, economic, and social situations have all indicated that the euphoria about the sense of freedom...


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